
About CNS


The Chinese Nutrition Society (CNS), founded in 1945, is a nation-wide, non-profit academic organization dedicated to bring nutrition scientists and professionals together to advance nutrition science as well as support the dissemination and application of nutrition to improve public health in China and the world. Currently, CNS has over 84,000 members in 31 provincial branches across China including academics, nutritionists, clinicians and dietitians, health workers, educators and students.

CNS is composed of the Board of Directors, the Executive Council, the Council as well as council members; all scientific and technological workers from top universities, research institutes, CDC and hospitals. CNS also supervises 9 Working Committees and 38 Academic Committees. The secretariat of CNS is located in Beijing.

As the largest professional nutrition society in China, CNS has four main responsibilities: lead the development of nutrition science in China; provide services for scientific workers; promote nutrition understanding and practices in the public; guide the innovation and regulation of food and nutrition related industry.

Main branding academic activities of CNS include China Nutrition Science Congress, China Cross-Strait, Hongkong and Macau Nutrition Improvement Conference, Asia Nutrition Leaders Summit, China-Korean Phytonutrients Conference, and National Nutrition Week. CNS set up the Chinese Dietary Guidelines in 1989 and released the Dietary Reference Intakes for China (DRIs) since 1988; CNS is also responsible for the revision of these materials.


·Bring scientific workers together to advance nutrition science and technology innovation

·Support the dissemination and application of nutrition knowledge to improve public health and dietary practices

·Advocate nutritional policies and promote national professionalism to facilitate the implementation of National Nutrition Plan

·Improve food and nutrition security to realize the target of Healthy China 2030

Board of Directors of CNSMore>>



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